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Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc
Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc
Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc
Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc
Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc
Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc


Liposomal Vitamin C & D3 & Zinc

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Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Zinc

What is vitamin D?

  • It is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin D is the common name of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), which play an important role in the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism and are hormone precursors.1 While some vitamins can be synthesized by the organism, others can be synthesized by the organism. Vitamins must be taken externally. Vitamin D is a vitamin that can be synthesized by the body, but its deficiency causes some discomfort and takes part in many tasks in metabolism.

What are the Health Effects of Vitamin D3?

  • Supports the immune system3
  • It is important for the prevention of osteoporosis.4
  • It prevents acute respiratory tract infections. 5
  • It reduces the risk of depression.

What is vitamin C?

  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin. The first scientific studies on vitamin C begin in 1907. In 1912, C. Funk put forward the idea that scurvy is caused by the deficiency of a factor found in foods and named this substance antiscorbutic vitamin. Later, Drummond coined the name Vitamin C for the antiscorbutic vitamin in 1920.

The body needs vitamin C for normal physiological functions. As an antioxidant, it protects the body from various harmful effects of free radicals and toxins. One

What are the Health Effects of Vitamin C?

  • It shortens the duration of the common cold and supports the treatment. 2
  • It contributes to the immune system. 2
  • It stimulates collagen synthesis and accelerates the wound healing process.1
  • Increases iron absorption. 3
  • It contributes to the maintenance of the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise. 4
  • It contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.4

What is zinc?

  • Zinc is one of the essential minerals for the body. It is the most abundant trace element after iron.
  • Since zinc is not produced by the body, it is an important molecule that must be taken from the outside.

Zinc; It takes part in more than 300 enzyme structures, energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat and nucleic acid metabolism.

Like this;

  • in DNA and protein synthesis
  • In growth and development
  • in a healthy immune system
  • In neurobehavioral development
  • in reproductive functions
  • It plays an important role in tissue formation.

Significant symptoms are seen in zinc deficiency.

  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Hair loss and thinning
  • Dry skin
  • Memory impairment
  • Growth retardation
  • Severe diarrhea
  • Delayed healing wounds
  • Common infections
  • Decreased sense of taste and smell
  • Anorexia

Zinc briefly;

  • In supporting the immune system
  • Prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections
  • Supporting cognitive functions
  • Supports hair, nail and skin health
  • in reproductive health
  • It is a very important mineral in accelerating infection and wound healing.
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